
October 13, 2014

For The Love Of Stamps

Hey peeps.  You have heard me say on many occassions that I love sharing my crafting passion.  Well, this is your chance to get your hands on some gently used stamps to add to your collection.
Every few months I like to go through my stamps and paper and rotate them.  While I do this I removed some of the stamps that are on their second cycle of rotation and put them up for sale.  I HATE throwing away my crafting items.  It's a CRIME I TELL YOU to get rid of stamps.  You will go to crafting jail for sure.  LOL  Okay, maybe not that serious.  Anyway, I wanted to give my followers the chance to purchase some of my stamps at a HUGE discounted price.  

My stamps have been gently loved by me and I know you would be able to make some fantastic cards and the likes with them.  I'm ready to pass them on to their next loving home.  If you are interested please make sure to leave a comment on my blog and I'll pick a winner on FRIDAY OCTOBER 17th.

Hugs and love~

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