
February 20, 2015


Hey peeps.  I know your asking "what in the world happened to Dana?"  Well, this chick right here has been celebrating.  Last week was hectic and wonderful all at the same time.  My sweet husband retired after 29 years of military service.  We have been so blessed to be able to serve our great country.  I as a civilian and him as a CMSgt.  The celebration was shared with so many wonderful family members and friends. 

A sweet friend of mine helped me make some fabulous football apparel for myself and my kids to celebrate my hubby's special day.  Check these babies out!  We had purchased my hubby's jersey when he made CMSgt and so it was fitting that we wore jerseys supporting him and the number of years he was in. 

And her is the front of the jerseys.  I totally had to have glittered numbers and wording.  Of course, this girl here LOVES to sparkle. ;-)

Well I have to run peeps.  I head is still in the clouds.  I won't have anything posted next week but I will see you the first week of March.  Have a fabulous weekend everyone. 

Go forth and be crafty~

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